

Fun Fact about me: I like looking up little quotes to serve up as a wrap up for my blogs.  Today's quote is "Balance is not something you find, it's something you create."  It was literally the first quote I saw when I searched balance and it's so fitting that I moved it to the beginning of the post, rather than keeping it to the end.

The quote is so important because while I believe in creating balance, I haven't done a great job at it lately.  One of the best compliments I've ever received from a friend was that he admired my ability to work my ass off at work but leave all of that behind once my work hours were over.

I really appreciated that compliment for several reasons; he knew I was a boss bitch on the job, he saw that my life had balance and it was a quality he admired, even though I look at him and see he's doing big things in his life as well.  If he could pay me a compliment like that, that means I'm on the right track.

However, since moving to Nassau, my life is definitely not as balanced as it once was.  I find myself just going between work and home with no socializing happening in between.  I mean I have had a friend or two over every now and then, but I don't count that because I still don't leave the house.  During the hurricane I especially thought about how little I've socialized since being here because there wasn't a single person I could think of inviting over so I didn't have to ride out the storm alone.

I even thought about the importance of having a group for single women in the event of natural disasters, then I realized that other single women probably socialize enough to not worry about these things.  When I really thought about my lack of socialization, I felt like I was letting down my friend, because he just gave me such a great compliment, but then here I was not living up to it.  Moreover, I felt like I was letting down myself because I went from having something social to do nearly every single night to being a real homebody.

I'm not going to find balance at home every night.  It's something I have to go out and create.  And as of tonight I'm making a vow to create that balance.  I mean I made the vow last week but then ended up going to New Jersey for the weekend instead of going out around here, but I'll save that story for another post.  I'm back and I'm better and I'm on my way to creating balance.

Confessions of a Lipstick Addict: Nyx High Voltage Lipstick

Confessions of a Lipstick Addict: Nyx High Voltage Lipstick

Which You Are YOU Listening To?

Which You Are YOU Listening To?