What I Spent in a Week - Someone That Works in the Legal Field, $1300 Monthly

What I Spent in a Week - Someone That Works in the Legal Field, $1300 Monthly

Occupation: Legal Industry

Age: 25-30
Salary: $1300
Paycheck: $630 paid biweekly

Monthly Expenses:
Rent/parental tax: $200
Netflix: $12.99
Apple Music (student): $4.99
iCloud storage: $0.99
Cell phone (BTC 2GB plus talking minutes): $20
Tithes: $130
Health Insurance (employer pays half): $219
Savings: $500

Total: $478.97 + savings

8:15 a.m. - I'm hungry, I want to stop at Wendy's for breakfast but I'm feeling cheap and lazy so I decide not to. My mom makes french toast and sausages. I go to work with a belly full and full pockets.

1 p.m. - I have leftovers from a party I went to yesterday for lunch so I don't have to spend money. I go to Subway to pick up a broccoli and cheddar soup for my coworker since I owe her and she's not driving today. I decide to buy cookies (that I don't need) as well. I spend $4.

9 p.m. - My parents bought Marco's pizza for dinner. I have two slices. My sibling does not share their hot wings with me. They’re the worst. Pockets are spared for another meal.

Monday's total: $4

8:15 a.m. - My mom makes banana pancakes for breakfast. She never makes breakfast on Tuesdays, she must be feeling great. I make tea (peppermint) to take to work. Zero dollars spent on breakfast.

1 p.m. - It's lunch time and I'm starving. I am excited to eat my leftovers from Sunday. Roasted garlic potatoes, baked chicken and green beans. I accidentally spill some of it on the kitchen floor while trying to warm it up. Many tears, much sadness. I eat the rest of it and hope it fills me. I resist the urge to buy food to make up for it.

5 p.m. - I'm leaving work and I really want to stop for ice cream. I resist the urge. Instead I go home and eat the rest of my cookies from Subway.

9 p.m. - I eat leftover wings and fries from this weekend and some popcorn for dinner. I'm not full but it'll have to do.

Tuesday's total: $0

8:15 a.m. - My mom makes oats for breakfast. I just wanted cereal but I eat the oats anyway. I make tea (peppermint again) to take to work. Zero dollars spent on breakfast.

1 p.m. - I brought a turkey sandwich and chips for lunch today. It was alright.

7 p.m. - I'm hungry now but I don't want to go in the kitchen or go out to buy food. I distract myself by playing games on my phone and scrolling social media

10 p.m. - I have a salad for dinner that I make at home just so that I don't go to bed hungry.

Wednesday's total: $0

8:15 a.m. - I have cereal for breakfast. Honey bunches of oats WITH almonds to be specific. It was great.

12 p.m. - I leave the office to run errands. It's really hot today. I stop at the gas station to buy a gatorade. They don't have any. I should probably just forget it but I stop at a corner store to see if they have any. Success! I spend $1.89 on an orange gatorade.

1:30 p.m. - It's finally lunch time and I came here last week but they ran out of my order so they told me they would comp my meal this week. I get a free sandwhich and fries with a sprite soda.

5 p.m. - I get off from work and I'm headed to the foodstore to buy a couple of things for dinner tonight. I get to the store and they don't have what I need so I decide to change up the recipe. I buy
1 can diced tomatoes $3.99
1 carton of mushrooms $1.99 (on sale!)
1 pack of shrimp $9.99
1 box angel hair pasta $1.49
1 bag of spinach $4.19
2 jars of peanut butter and grape jelly $3.49 each
Total including VAT: $32.29

6 p.m. - I stop to the gas station to put $10 gas in my car

8:30 p.m. - I start cooking. Angel hair shrimp pasta in a tomato sauce with spinach and mushrooms. Everyone likes it but I think it could have had some more flavor. I am definitely taking this for lunch tomorrow though.

Thursday's total: $44.18

8:15 a.m. - I have eggs, sausage and toast for breakfast at home. I make tea to take to work. My stomach feels weird I hope I'm not getting sick

1 p.m. - I have leftovers from last night for lunch today. It's even better the second time around and I don't have to spend money on food.

3 p.m. - Someone brought in donuts for the office yesterday, there's one left and it's all mine. I'm in dog heaven.

5 p.m. - Time to go home. I'm tired but my pockets are full!

9 p.m. - I'm eating the last bit of pasta for dinner tonight. Don't judge me I know it's been three meals in a row but it was good.

Friday's total: $0

10 a.m. - I sleep in. I finally get up and have cereal for breakfast. I have to go to the atm for some cash today. I don't want to leave the house, it's hot out there.

1 p.m. - I finally make it to the atm. The line was short, thank God.

6 p.m. - I took a nap earlier, now I'm up and I'm hungry. My mom is making a salad, tuna and some kraft dinner. I hijack half of her meal and go back to Netflix for the rest of the day.

7 p.m. - I buy a ticket for an event next week Saturday. It's $25. I'm purchasing the HBO cable package so I can watch Game of Thrones when it starts next Sunday so I give my mom $20 to to turn it on. I also pay my mom back for the pads she bought me (always infinity pads = $17 but I only give her $15 because I don't have anymore cash).

9 p.m. - I snack on some popcorn and trailmix beause I'm hungry but too lazy to leave the house for food. Looks like another night in for me.

Saturday's total: $60

12 p.m. - I went to bed really late last night so I slept in.

2:30 p.m. - Lunch for today is peas and rice, oxtail and string beans. This is also my first meal of the day. I don't like eating rice first thing but It's already late and I'm hungry so...

3 p.m. - Today is wash day. I know this is going to take up most of my day. It's a good thing I decided not to have any plans

9 p.m. - I am finally finished with my hair and I'm dragging myself into the kitchen to make a sandwhich. Leftovers are packed for lunch tomorrow and sleep will come once my belly is full.

Sunday's total: $0

Total spent this week: $108.18

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